Best Home Security Systems in Sacramento
Sacramento Home Security Companies
Best Security Companies in Sacramento

Our Top Pick
Customized wireless alarm systems and automation solutions that fit your lifestyle.

Best Home Automation
The oldest—and possibly the most trusted—home security provider in the U.S.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a home security system necessary in my safe neighborhood?
Sacramento is home to half a million people and is treasured by many. There are beautiful communities in Sacramento, and maybe you even live in one of them – and feel perfectly safe in the environment. Unfortunately, this doesn’t negate the fact that the crime rate in Sacramento leaves a lot to be desired. In Sacramento, overall crime rates are 32% higher than the national average. This means that even in your safe neighborhood, you could still be at risk of becoming the victim of a crime. A home security system can reduce these risks.
How important is it to have both indoor and outdoor cameras on my property?
When home security systems first became mainstream, they mostly only featured outdoor cameras. This made sense because these cameras monitored the outside premises and picked up on potential intruders and other suspicious activity. Today, home security systems have become more sophisticated, and most feature indoor cameras as well. Indoor cameras can monitor suspicious activity inside your home, not to mention the extra peace of mind they provide if you have service providers or care givers regularly in your home.
What do I need to know about alarm monitoring?
Alarm monitoring is an essential component of an effective home security system. Alarm monitoring is the route that eventually leads to local authorities being notified in the event that you need emergency assistance. When the various components of your home security system are triggered, a notification is sent to your central alarm monitoring provider. In the event that an actual emergency situation exists, your alarm monitoring service ensures the right people are notified as quickly as possible.
Does the size of my home determine whether I can install the system myself?
Some homeowners with larger properties prefer to install wired home security system. The installation of a wired system, especially on a relatively expansive property, is typically too involved for the average person to handle on their own. In contrast, wireless systems can be installed by practically anyone who is capable of reading and comprehending some basic instructions. Wireless solutions are often the choice of homeowners with less substantial properties and those who live in rental units. That said, wireless solutions can be used and installed on any size property.
I don’t know if I should choose wired or wireless. What are the pros and cons?
This really is a matter of personal preference, and only a comprehensive look at your options is going to provide an answer. Wireless solutions are becoming the preferred option for many people looking at home security solutions today. This is due to their automated security capabilities, ease of installation, and the fact that a criminal needs to work a lot harder than just cutting a few wires to bypass the system.
On the other hand, some people prefer wired systems because they still carry the reputation of being more reliable, especially in the event that wireless signals are down. Wired systems also require professional installation, which makes some people feel more comfortable and secure in the overall effectiveness of their system.
How much will I need to pay initially to get started with a home security system?
You’ll want to start by comparing home security systems and determining which one best suits your needs. On average, the cost of a home security system hovers around $200, although it can be less or more depending on the features and capabilities that are important to you. If you choose to have your system professionally installed, you’ll be looking at additional installation fees as well. These are the basics of getting your system up and running. Once your security system is installed, you’ll also be obligated to pay a monthly fee to your alarm monitoring service provider.