Most Dangerous Countries for Travel
According to the World Tourism Organization, tourism to every continent (save for Antarctica) increased in 2018. In fact, international tourism is at a never before seen peak, spurned by an increase in average incomes around the world, the convenience of booking trips over the internet, and the development of additional tourist sector infrastructure in South […]
Women Are Being Murdered on the Job at an Alarming Rate
April is workplace violence awareness month and statistics show women are nearly three times more likely to be murdered on the job, compared to men. Homicides account for 22 percent of all female workplace deaths between 2011 and 2017. For men, it only accounts for eight percent of deaths on the job. We wanted to […]
Sexually Transmitted Diseases by State
Table of Contents STD statistics 2020: States with the highest rates Sexually transmitted disease infection rates continue to rise in the United States, with combined cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis hitting a new all-time high in 2018. Additionally, each of the three most commonly reported STDs witnessed an increase in cases between 2017 and […]
Welcome Kidrex!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. At, we spend a lot of time thinking about safety, both online and off, and how we can help make the world a better place for future generations. A Safe environment is the best way […]
Best Home Security Systems in 2022 – Our Top Ten

Table of Contents When looking for the best home security system, we looked at many different features, including ease of use, ease of installation, do it yourself vs professional, technology required, consumer reviews, customer service and, price. Depending on your home and your budget, you will have different needs, but you should find a brand […]
Winter Driving Safety Tips

Few are off the hook when it comes to dangerous winter driving conditions: according to the Federal Highway Administration, 70% of the United States’ roads are in areas that receive 5 or more inches of snowfall a year. What’s more, during the coldest months, well over 100,000 people are injured annually in crashes on icy or […]
Is Uber Safe? How Safe are Uber and Lyft for Women?
Uber and Lyft safety: Our survey of how safe is Lyft and Uber, with an emphasis on women’s responses Nearly a quarter of women have turned in Uber drivers for uncomfortable behavior As children, it was drilled into our heads to never get into a car with a stranger. Now, it’s something we do with […]
Beginner’s Guide to Home Automation
Smart Homes for Beginners Smart homes are a really neat idea, but is automating your home worth the time and money? These days, automating your home is easier than ever — and if you have a little extra time and surplus income — then the answer is yes. Long forecasted to be the wave of […]
Guide to Cyberbullying: Awareness and Prevention
What is cyberbullying and why is it so harmful? By allowing us to share our stories and communicate with friends, family, and strangers all across the world, the internet has changed forever. It would be impossible for many of us to regress to a pre-wired-in age. Yet, the shift towards a social media-centered existence hasn’t […]
Summer Safety Tips for Seniors
Summer means we can all get excited about relaxing in the sun and engaging in some of our favorite outdoor activities. However, with the extra sunlight, high temperatures and humidity come added health concerns — especially for at-risk groups like seniors. The statistics bear this out: A CDC study found that adults aged 65 and […]